Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Good Posters

When someone sees a wanted poster, it stands out on it's own because of default. There doesn't need to be a bright color to make it stand out. This poster has a lot of useful information. It states who is wanted, why they are wanted, and the price for the capture. The two most important thing's were made to stand out. With the persons picture put directly in the middle on the poster. Also their name was made bigger than other text and bold to stand out. 

Ray Charles was one of the most famous composers of all time. Putting his very recognizable face on this poster makes it stand out alone, not to mention the orange background. A lot of good information on here. The most important sticks out, his name is big with a cool font selection, right at the very top in big letters is where it will take place and when. The little caption next to his face lets people who don't know, that he is very popular. 

Excellent use of how the word grease is used. Grease is oily and runny which is how the word is viewed on the poster. Also it is in the form of a car. Judging by how the two individuals are dressed it suggests they could be in college, which college students and their cars are popular. At the very top the two stars of the film are right there nice and bold. With those being the only two names used, making them the only two on the poster makes sense so audiences know who they are. Stating which company is producing the film makes sense. That may persuade some to go see it if they like that companies films.

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